Chapter 5-1

In the monitors, the two Aliens quickly moved toward this side just as Xuan predicted. The Alien that was following the other four newbies also came. In this moment, everyone’s attention was focused on the screen.

Even though they had decided to go their own ways, whether or not all the Aliens getting isolated was related to their rate of survival. So even Zheng was staring at the monitor intensely.

“Just missing the last one… where is the last one? The last one…”

Xuan muttered to himself, then his face turned paler and paler, sweat coming out of his forehead. Lan suddenly said. “There are only seven characters in the original plot. One robot and six humans. When you calculated the Aliens did you include the main character? This is only the first movie…”

Xuan immediately realized it. He hurriedly pressed some buttons, several walls came down on the screen blocking the Aliens’ movements. They were forced to run at another direction. The Aliens were gradually forced to move into a far off corner then trapped inside the walls. They could see the path to the arsenal was cleared.

The six of them exhaled deeply. Zheng asked Lan. “What did you just say? Isn’t there another Alien missing? Why did he put down the walls when you mentioned the first movie?”

Lan laughed. “Because of the main character. Think about it, didn’t the main character survived the first movie? If she was killed then what would happen to the second, third, or fourth movie? Will they cease to exist? So It’s possible that we are only facing against five Aliens. One Queen, one killed by you, and three got trapped. Then there is no fourth one.”

Zheng thought for a moment. “But what if the main characters of every movie are recreated? Then wouldn’t there be another Alien behind room 15?”

Xuan’s voice came from the side. “This is a question of probability. Under any circumstances, I will always choose the one with the highest possibility. As long as it’s higher than 50%, it’s worth a try.”

Zheng sneered at him. “Even if it means to risk your life? Are you ok with getting sneak attacked by a hiding Alien?’

Xuan replied calmly. “Yes, even if it’s my life. I will always choose the choice with the highest possibility. You mentioned my life just now, so are you planning to split up with me?”

Zheng nodded. “Right. I can’t stand being with you! Maybe when I get injured you will give me up like a burden. Instead of this I would rather depend on my own power! I can’t trust you, just like Kampa said, I can’t trust my back to you!”

“Is that so?” Xuan turned around. “That’s unfortunate. I said I will only give up those that are useless to the team. Just like a question of probability. He was an individual of low probability (useless) and he failed my test. I had done all I can do for him. But I will do my best to save comrades that I acknowledge. Think of ways that the majority can survive.”

Zheng said. “What if I am trapped in a hopeless situation. The probability of saving me is low but there is still a chance. What will you do?”

“Depends on the situation. If your life is very important, then I will save you no matter what the cost is. If saving you puts the whole team in a dangerous position, then I would rather give you up.”

“Is that so?”

Zheng remained silent for quite a while, then said coldly. “Yes. I Understand your methods are probably right to you. But these methods give me shrivers. We can’t stay together. And don’t fucking use your own safety as the team’s safety. Don’t you think it’s dirty to fool us? You kept saying the team, but what if the team needs to sacrifice you? You will probably think of every possible way to have someone substitute you.”

Xuan smiled. “If it’s you, what will you do?”

Zheng was gathering all the chairs in this room, he replied without turning around. “I agree with what you said in the beginning. Every member should be able to contribute to the team. Just like I won’t go protect those three hooligans. So I will choose my comrades carefully, but once I acknowledged them, I will never give up on them. This is the only way to keep the trust within the team. People like you who use people as tools, even if we survive, you are the only one that can feel completely safe. So I won’t stay with you.”

Neither of them said anything more. Half an hour later, Xuan, Zero, and Kampa left the room first. Jie and Lan watched as Zheng started destroying those chairs.

Jie held onto him. “Stop being mad, it’s not worth getting mad for those people.”

Zheng laughed bitterly. “I am not mad. I am just preparing weapons. You’re right it’s not worth it. So I have my method of combat.”

Jie and Lan looked at each other. After destroying the chair, Zheng took the metal bars out from those chairs. Then he twisted the bars until they became a helix shape.

“Know why I want to stay away from them?” Zheng suddenly said to the two with a smile. “Because I have a bad feeling. I feel there’s definitely something hiding beyond room 15, waiting for us to get close. But I won’t tell them. Let them lure that thing out. If they believe having power makes you stand above the others, then as the weak side they should be prepared to be the ones that are given up.”

“I was a manager in my company, so I know how important it is for a team to work together. And no one is absolutely useless. Do you know why I kept comforting Shuai? Because I want to get him into our group, to acknowledge our group. To the point that when he really got to a situation where he had to sacrifice himself to save the group, he will do it for the people he trusts.”

After finishing his words, Zheng threw the helix shaped steel bar. The whole bar penetrated into the wall and left only a finger length of the tail outside. This power shocked Jie and Lan.

Zheng pulled the bar out from the wall. Then continued. “I know his methods are perhaps right… but if you trust me, then let’s face these horrors together. He has his ways… and I have my way of fighting! No matter what, we will all live!”

With that said he threw the bar again and another hole appeared on the wall.


  1. Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Thanks for the last 2 chapters(forgot to thank last time since Internet stopped working) A013!

  3. T-H-A-N-K you very much~~

    Thanks for the chapter...
    Looks like Alien movie is going at an end soon enough... I wonder what's the next movie?

    1. it's written here

  4. Thanks for the chapter!
    I knew he was a leader, told you so!
    So what if Xuan is smart .... Zheng has more than 300 points in int ... bet he is as smart and after this movie smarter than Xuan!!!

    1. the problem with Xuan it's that he is 100% logic 0% instinct, he is just not cut to survive

    2. You forget the fact that this is his first time. Genius or not he's still human. And 0% instinct? He might as well be an object. All human have instinct you numbnuts.

      He's a genius and like most genius they're not as influenced by emotions as normal human are. Look at Zheng, he's been on an emotional roller coaster since the first chapter even contradict himself multiple times especially on the previous chapter. I like Xuan I hope he was the main character instead of Zheng. Nothing against Zheng he's just a typical character that most reader can relate with. He's just a bag of luck that's all.

      All his ability is gained through luck and he'll continue getting stronger through pure luck. All the actual strong and smart character will die because well, let's face it this story is about Zheng.

    3. From what I used to read Chinese novel/custom always value friendship and family above all else. I am sure in the Chinese reader's eye Zheng is the better likeable protagonist. If you're a westerner, you probably like Xuan more though. Just my guess~~~~ It's only a culture's shock here. LOL

    4. I agree with you but like saying f you to the guy doesn't make us Americans look any better lmao.

  5. Thank ya very much for the translation translator! Many thanks towards the Author!

  6. Thanks for the chapter!
    I wonder if he is planning to destroy down the walls in between to go instead of out into the hall.

  7. Wow, is this MC kouki from Arifureta? This is a survival game and if he wants to die for others, he should do it instead of complaining so much. Hajime should replace the MC.

  8. Thanks for the chapter!

  9. i like zheng :),I think that's what matters. Some people are getting so emotional about who is right or wrong...for fuck sake this is just a novel hahaha

  10. I wil explain in simple steps for the morons who think they are smart saying the current MC is useless and that xuan should take his place.
    By no means am i smart i would even tell you guys to call me stupid but if i am so stupid why do i realise 1 simple fact that should be obvious to all.
    This little truth my friends is that humans do indeed take the path that gives them the highest chance of succeeding but we also value certain THINGS more than staying alive.
    Dont you hear often that grandpas or grandmas want to die as their feeble bodies dont allow them to do anything more than just withering away?
    This chapter follows the same logic Xuan is using logic that is correct to say something else is correct wich only works for him.
    So what if his plan has higher chance of saving everyone the chance the kiddo will live is lower if he follows this plan ^^.
    The only thing we can say about the kiddo is that instead of commiting suicide he should bet even on the unfair 1% chance of survival and if he survives kill the people who forced him in such a position i would cheer for him.
    In the end living a life doing every dirty deed in the world will take away all your morals along with it your innocence even an assasin who kills people daily wants to have someone dear to him.
    Staying alive while not caring about your morals is easier than taking them in account but when you do not value something els than your life why not stay in a prison cell with food and just lie down till you die of old age?
    I dont think i need to say anything more the only reason why people can call the MC retarded is because he values human morals and innocence over his lover but i will still like him as i am not his lover so i prefer an Mc who would act friedly to me even if he has something worth far more than me.

  11. See?
    Hypocrisy already. But it's alright if this helps him awaken to the world of logic and mathematics.
