Chapter 4-3

When Shuai first walked away with his head down, he was several meters away from the group. After he threw the grenade he ran another several meters. By this time he was over ten meters away. They could only watched as he pulled the ring. Even Zero couldn’t do anything with his gun as he was knocked to the ground by the shock wave.

“All of you go to hell! I…”

He pulled the ring while laughing crazily. Just as he was going to throw the grenade at them, it suddenly exploded. It only took a second from the time he pulled the ring till the grenade exploded. He didn’t even have time to throw it. The fire and shock wave quickly reached the group.


Zheng watched in daze as the fire closed up on him. Thankfully Lan brought him down to the ground. He just watched as the fire flew past him. For a moment, he could still smell the scent of burnt flesh.

No! How can life be so fragile? Why is life so fragile!

Zheng suddenly jumped up from the ground and ran toward the smoke. Going inside the smoke, he found Shuai lying on the ground. His whole body burned black. His hands and chest were gone. Other than pieces of flesh on the ground, there was black colored blood that gushed out from his chest. So human blood wasn’t always red, after going through an explosion, it… can become burned black.

“Why? Why did the grenade explode immediately after pulling the ring?”

Zheng came out from the smoke. He walked over to Xuan silently and asked.

Xuan was the one nearest to the center of explosion this time. Blood gushed out from his nose and mouth. He wiped the blood and said. “Yes, the grenades I had Kampa modify, one of them explodes after a few seconds, the other one will explode immediately. When I handed him the grenades, I put the one that will explode later on the outside, so he could only use that one first…”

Zheng punched him on the face and knocked him away. Zero immediately pointed his gun at Zheng and Kampa stood in between Zheng and Xuan.

Xuan slowly sat up from the ground. He spat out a tooth and said calmly. “This is the true intention of the bait plan. Do you really think just a little blood can lure the Aliens? No, even though their sense of smell is sensitive, but during the period that the Queen is laying eggs, they will guard their nest. You saw from the monitor before that they were moving toward the nest. Therefore it needs a large amount of fresh flesh and blood, in addition to the scent of Alien blood on your skin to lure them over. If I am not mistaken, the Aliens should be coming this way currently. If you want to die, you can continue to stay outside the wall.” Then he silently walked back to the control room.

Zheng felt more enraged after hearing his words, but he could only yell under the threat of Zero’s gun. “Then he was right? You intended to give up on him from the beginning? Why are you two helping him? You won’t even know when he will give you up! How can you call this comrades?”

Xuan turned around and said in a cold voice. “I didn’t intend to give him up in the beginning. I originally planned that everyone can contribute some blood, then he and you only have to… Whatever, I don’t have to explain these to you. You just have to understand that everything I do is for the sake of everyone in this group to survive this movie. I am certainly not wrong!”

Zheng’s voice sounded cold also. “Giving up on comrades, letting him get killed by explosions, then use his flesh and blood to lure the Aliens. And this is not wrong? Then what do you think is right! Is this how the two of you think also? Is life really so worthless?”

Xuan replied as he walked without turning his around. “I gave him a last chance. If he didn’t try to use the second grenade on us and followed my plan. As long as he could injure one Alien the others are very likely to come over. He could also hide in between two walls. Unfortunately, a mortal’s wisdom… only filled with resentment.”

Zero kept silent the whole time, he walked backward while pointing the gun at Zheng. After ten meters, he turned around and went away. Kampa said to him in a serious tone. “We value unity in the mercenary’s creed. During battle, you put your back to your comrades. This is the basic trust and rule. But in order to achieve these two points, the other party must be someone you acknowledged and not a burden. I think Zero is thinking the same thing. We live in a different environment than you normal people. We are more suited to survive in this dimension. To me, these movies are just mercenary missions. Xuan did the right him. He chose to have the majority of us live and successfully completed the mission. Shuai didn’t make me feel that I could trust my back to him. He also failed the last trial and chose self destruction.”

Zheng stood there in a daze until the wall was slowly coming down. Jie and Lan then pulled him back in. He raised his head and asked. “Does it really have to be this cruel? To give up on other people so you can live? Or just a little resentment and you want everyone to die together? Then what are we? Chest pieces that he used and threw away?”

Jie said. “I don’t give a fuck what they think. I don’t feel safe being with these three. I thought Xuan was smart and maybe could think of a way to save us. But it seems smart people are all devious. No, I feel less safe being with them! Zheng, I will go get my gun back, even if I can’t get it back, we will go our own way after they trapped the Aliens! Otherwise we won’t even know if they used us.”

Lan sighed. “But… do we really have to go by ourselves? It would be better if we just endure it through this movie and get stay away from them on the next one.”

Zheng looked at Lan silently then said. “No, we will go our own way! I don’t want to see them again… If you can’t trust your comrades, then how can they trust you! I won’t give up on anyone on my side. I can save my comrade’s life, in return when I am in danger he will definitely save me! So I won’t fight along them again!”


  1. Haha, nicely planned.

    I like the way it went, the naive people can't stomach military methods.

    They will part there

    1. both of you guys are right
      its the situation that determines which person is right
      mr cunning wins

    2. Hmm, I agree with the first one, people normally don't see the big picture and just call the others scumbag. In reality Zhang is just using his fuck up sense of justice to save himself, sheltering him from reality, he just don't want to accept the cruelty of it.
      Well, either way, it was a good chap, thx translator.

    3. you guys...Well first of all their is no right or wrong here, history has proven both of their ways of thinking can be done, and be successful. This is essentially a debate of what is human: instinct (law of the jungle), or morals. It's all a matter of preference, can you live with the group that has the potential to kill you when you become a "burden," or with the group that will risk your life so long as you risk yours. Both groups have a chance of survival, so long as you act accordingly to their rules. I'd choose Zheng over that so called genius...I mean come on it's obvious the "smart," guy decision are going to backfire on him.

    4. or DIE with the group that will risk your life so long as you risk yours

    5. Nah, anon is right. Both methods can work. It's far more naive to think that picking the most objectively "efficient" method gets you ahead. Humans are emotional creatures with long memories. Generally speaking, screwing people over only tends to benefit you in the short run because it breeds resentment and makes people target you as a threat to their well-being. It's got nothing to do with good and evil, it's a matter of action and consequence.

      The story did a good job of showing that. Zheng offered to give up his life but Xuan refused because he's useful. But by only looking at usefulness, he failed to account for everyone's personality. In the end, he pushed Shuai to suicide, botched his own plan, and made half of the group so anxious that they split off, meaning he lost their strongest fighter Zheng anyway. He made a superficially "rational" decision and got burned for it.

      There's a reason why humans live in societies that promote morality and co-operation. It's because when you take human nature into consideration, it's the best way to survive in the long run.

  2. Xuan is smart but no leader. A general can inspire people to sacrifice themself and Xuan doesn't have the charisma and people skills for that. Zheng methode is more like that he will protect you and you in turn will sacrefice yourself if there is no other way out.

    1. Xuan? not a leader? funny... In a world of Horror film where your life can end in any moment, He is the most needed! His tactics and knowledge can overturn situations to their advantage.
      Yeah... He's heartless, but he has plans for everything

      And charisma? What's that? Can it help you win? Xuan always weighs pros and cons. He rathers sacrifice a single person to save the many than go hand in hand and die together.

      I can only say this, Charisma isn't everything in this novel. Even a movie survivor either turn helpless even he has stat advantage. Look what happen to Li Xiaoyi.

      The MC team just got accustomed to the surface... So they can't get Xuan's goal and that is: SURVIVAL

    2. He also got half of his team to leave him because they think being with him is more dangerous then the enemy

    3. Tell me what have Zheng does until now...

      *Oh no I can't die I have to live I have someone to go back to...
      *Oh no my teammate is going to get eaten by an alien but I'm too scared to move even though I have superpower because I DONT WANT TO DIE...
      *Oh no the weak guy gonna be the bait but I won't come up front and volunteer myself because I don't want to die...

      Bitching about shit every single chapter... All that power is a waste on him. Peh~ Give Xuan that same power and see how many people survive.

      He keep screaming this and that but he himself can't do shit.

    4. I'm just saying Xuan isn't that great of a leader if half of his team can't trust him because they think he is going to use them as bait and get them killed.
      Also Zheng wanted to be bait but Xuan said that he can't be since he was their strongest fighter

  3. I think "god" didn't put them in a survival game but in an "evolution" game, basically, evolve or die, the one who simply focus on survival like Xuan, Kampa and zero will die at some point, Xuan most likely because his logic will fail him when fighting the supernatural and the other two because they rely to much on they're military training.

    Zeng fit perfectly in the game, even though he say that survival is the most important, he's still taking a lot of unnecessary risks wich allow him to grow faster beyond human limit, "playing safe" to me look like a trap, it work, until you die brutally that is or your mind break, look at Jie 4 movies and he is far behind Zeng.

    1. Too early. This Xuan first movie and he's the one who talks about evolution the rest of the gang have no freakin idea. Zheng just happen to be main character he's probably close to what the author is in real life and I think the author want to be a main character at least once in his life. Everything seems to revolve around Zheng even though he's useless. A useless weakling with too much power and the brain of a brain damaged 5 year old.

    2. I think he is neither useless nor weak. More he is based off the actual concept of a person. Even if he gained powers he just wants to survive. Is that cowardly? Would you instantly become a bad ass in a life or death situation? You may or may not. Who knows?

      I like Zheng's character because he is not the stereo typical bad ass but the normal person trying too cope the best he can.

    3. i agree with avery on the fact that he isnt just a stereo typical bad ass and i do like that BUT he is weak minded not saying he is cowardly or anything but what he wanted to do would put the whole group at stake. zheng cant look at the bigger picture and he belives too much in his feelings. he also lets his morals get in the way too much im not saying that he has to be stone hearted but this is a DEATH GAME logic such as what Zheng belives in is only useful OUTSIDE of the death game not in it. his current kind of thinking his current way of thinking will only get him and his team mates killed.

  4. Thank you for the chapter! :) :)

  5. Thank for the translator for bringing us this terrific novel. And seriously, only 2 movies, and heated debate already! I think a discussion forum should be made to avoid flooding comments and spoilers.

    1. As long as people keep the spoilers away it should be ok for now.

  6. Thank ya very much for the translation translator! Many thanks towards the Author!

  7. Thanks for the chapter!
    Well both sides are correct in their own way but in this situation I would go along with the Colonel.

  8. Thanks!
    I subscribe more to Xuan's seems that he really intended to help Shuai, had Shuai not been a coward and suicidal. Actually he and zheng should be able to see eye-to-eye....well, i might be judging Xuan's character too early. Time will tell.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Wtf Zheng and his friend were talking about how they need to kill anyone who is dangerous to them in resting area between 1st and 2nd movie now someone else did it they are being hypocrite.

    Author ruined the mc character in just few chapters for the sake of forced character development shit, did not except this from a chinese author. Hopefully he will redeem himself i really can't this japanese style hero stereotype unless it is done properly not like this at all it makes him look like a retard.

    1. Nvm i take what i said back it was not as bad as i thought it would be after finishing this movie.
