Chapter 1

Zheng and the others waited for everyone to come down. Kampa wasn’t the last one, though he had the worst injuries. Injuries on the body itself was much easier to heal than those incurred after unlocking the genetic constraint.

Zheng looked at that smiling face of Kampa and gave him a punch on the shoulder. Of course, he controlled his strength. Then he grabbed Kampa’s shoulders and laughed. “Man, you scared us there. And all you talked about were depressing stuff. What the fuck man.”

He didn’t know what to say at the moment and muttered in a low voice. Then slapped Kampa’s shoulder and said. “Don’t say such depressing things again. Let us go back to the real world. Comrade…” He turned around and walked toward Lori.

“Same old rule. Meet up here tomorrow noon and discuss things at the time… Xuan, don’t pull all-nighter. We will make decisions after the discussion tomorrow. You won’t get much done with just a night. Everyone’s tired. Go get a good rest!” Zheng said without turning his head then grabbed Lori and walked to his room.

Lori looked at him with curiosity. “Are you moved so much that you are going to cry?”

Zheng glared at her and said. “Who did you say is going to cry? Do you think I am someone so fragile? Fuck. No one died, no one died!”

He placed his head on Lori’s shoulder. A few drops of tears flowed down the corner of his eyes.

Lori was shocked for a moment then she embraced Zheng’s head tenderly and headed back to the room. She kicked the door close, placed Zheng’s head on her chest and murmured. “It’s not a big deal. Sometimes a man can also cry, especially times like this.”

What could a man cry for? Ideals, hope, victory, and feelings. Feelings like that between comrades.

Zheng walked out the room refreshed the next day. There were only Xuan, WangXia, Zero, and the little girl under God. She was giggling with a big red apple in her hands. Xuan also had a red apple in his hand. He was reading a stack of files while eating the apple.

Zheng came out while holding Lori’s hand. The little girl cheered and ran over to them. She walked around Zheng timidly then leaped into Lori’s arms. She laughed out as she brought out another apple from her pocket.

Lori took the apple with a smile then gave her a kiss. Zheng walked over to the other three.

“So early. Xuan, don’t tell me you didn’t sleep last night.” Zheng said loudly.

Xuan glanced at him then pointed at WangXia. He continued reading the files without uttering a sound.

WangXia scratched his head. “Right. I got up at 9:30 this morning. He came out at 10.”

Zheng laughed. “Everyone’s going to feel exhausted after such a movie. You also need to rest. What is that?”

“The engineering design of the tactical nuke.” Xuan didn’t raise his head.

“Tactical nuke?” Zheng was pleasantly surprised. “Did you take it out from Starship Troopers? That’s great. Its power is impressive but I didn’t see anything like that on you back then.”

Xuan replied. “The design isn’t too complex. It only takes an hour to memorize it then copy it down for analysis after returning to this dimension. The materials used aren’t complex either. It only needs a small detonator and a storage device for nuclear energy. I did some calculation. It takes about 7000 to 8000 points. I will also need to analyze the design and its assembly if we are going to make it. It will take 50 to 60 days if I am doing it by myself. Not worth the effort.”

Zheng laughed. “We can also help. This is the job of the whole team, not just your own. Wouldn’t that save a lot of time?”

Xuan gave him a disdained look. “Judging by your intelligence, I can only see you being a hindrance. So my suggestion is prepare to head back to Starship Troopers after some time. I need to test two things. Whose movie does it belong to? The team that entered first? Or every team? Or would the movie characters not remember us? Secondly, we have to buy some items. I am quite interested in the smaller starships. We can bring in large quantity of gold or rare metal or even some weapon designs. It isn’t a bad idea to buy some weapons.”

Zheng suddenly felt a headache. “Wait, wait a minute. Even the smallest starships are gigantic. How are we going to bring it back? Furthermore, if we lose our identity in that world, it’s going to be difficult to buy these things off the federation.”

Xuan wasn’t in the least bit worried. “That isn’t an issue. Everything has its cost. The reason something isn’t done is because its cost exceeds its value. Just like we are going to enter the Resident Evil world to steal the prototype T virus right now. Isn’t this also extremely dangerous? As long as we have detailed plans, I have a 70% chance of obtaining a large amount of tactical nukes and a small starship. However, the bracelet needed to store the starship is going to cost two rank B rewards. It might take us quite some time to save up.”

Zheng, WangXia, and Zero were sweating. They were at a loss for words.

Xuan suddenly asked. “Zheng, how many points and rewards did you get? And tell me how many of that is from killing people and bugs.”

Zheng paused for a moment then walked over to God with excitement. He connected with God to check. His heart beat intensely. The rewards were great this time. He obtained 12000 points, and one of each rank B, C, D reward. That was such a plentiful harvest in just one movie.

He said to the others excitedly. “I got 12000 points, and one of each rank B, C, D reward. What about you guys? How much did you get?”

He saw WangXia and Zero smiling bitterly then asked. “What’s wrong? Why such expression? Did I say anything weird?”

Xuan shook his head. “Nothing wrong with what you said. I made a wrong calculation. Do you remember that you told us to kill those two people? When I killed one, the team didn’t get notification for plus one in score. His body disappeared shortly after. The same thing happened to the person Gando killed. Both of them had a revival cross hidden on their bodies. Once they died and chose to return to God’s dimension, we only got the reward from killing them but not the score for the team. Each of us lost 4000 points.”

Zheng immediately followed. “Wait. Let me calculate my rewards. One not unlocked member from team Africa, 2000 points and a rank C reward. One tanker bug, 1000 points and a rank D reward. The brain bug, one rank B reward. That’s all for the rewards. Then there’s 3000 points from destroying starships. We gave up six military bases and saved one, so minus 5000 points. That adds up to 6000 points. I killed about 4000 points worth of bugs. Then those two people really didn’t get counted in the team score!”

Xuan nodded. “Unfortunately, we forgot about something. The second person you captured was a psyche force user so we weren’t able to isolate their communication. I wasn’t aware of it at the time. It wasn’t until after everything that I understood why they acted so differently.”

Zheng asked curiously. “You mean that one of they are so scared of dying while the other wasn’t?”

“Yes.” Xuan said. “You have also used the revival cross so you know it needs to be kept on the user to have an effect. If we found out that they have revival crosses, we just have to knock out the psyche force user then scan their whole body. I suspect they inserted the crosses into their bodies, maybe with surgery, or swallowed, or in the anus.”

The other three people didn’t look good. Zheng said. “You mean that man deceived me since the beginning? He said he didn’t get the revival cross to avoid me searching him. Then he realized that may sound strange so he acted like he wasn’t scared of dying while having his partner act the opposite. He even revealed he had a storage belt which could only be carried on the outside. That diverted our attention to items on the outside of his body. The other person acting scared of death to reflect the idea that they didn’t have the revival crosses. Is this the case?”

Xuan remained calm. “Yes. That’s why he suddenly calmed down after Zero scooped his eyes out. If he was really not scared of dying and torture, he would have continued shouting. Know why the psyche force user warned you of the brain bug all of a sudden? That was because he was trying to save his teammate. If his teammate died too early, we might scan his body. If that happened, he was going to die for real. Remember what ability the psyche force user used in the beginning?”

“Masking.” Zheng entered the third stage and simulated Honglu. The thoughts became clearer to him.

Xuan confirmed. “Correct. His masking was different from ours. It didn’t give us the feeling that something was masked. That was how he protected his teammate. Even though partnerships in this kind of teams are weird to me but the fact was they were cooperating with each other. Perhaps he needed a fighter to help him in movies or continue enslaving the newbies. We might meet team South America again.”

Zheng gripped his hand tightly. “Then let that day come soon. Otherwise, if they get another revival cross, they might escape again.”

Xuan wasn’t the least bit interested in them. “It’s not worth worrying. We will continue growing stronger. Don’t fix your eyes to the pebbles on the ground. You should look out to the trees far away. Those are the goals you need to go for. When our team reach a certain height, they won’t be able to escape even with revival crosses. The power of psyche force users will grow exponentially with better abilities. I think Lan can get one or two good ability this time from killing an unlocked person.”

Zheng finally looked a bit better but he still said with hatred. “Fuck. That was not worth it. If we knew they had revival crosses, we would have earned so much. Two crosses for members that are important but not strong in combat will give us more choices during team battles and bonus missions.”

Xuan waved his hand. “There are always events out of our expectations. I didn’t consider enough due to the situation back then. The fact is I should have noticed the disparity between them once the fighter became quiet after he lost his eyes. That was my mistake. Let’s discuss the other details of the fight. First thing is, you received a rank B reward for the brain bug.”

Zheng nodded. “Yes. It’s strange. If that was a bonus mission, shouldn’t we obtain points too? A rank B reward for the whole team would probably yield at least 5000 points too. Zero, what did you get?”

Zero shrugged. “Two rank B rewards and no points.”

Xuan picked out a piece of paper from the files in his hand. “Then it’s clear. There are no bonus missions in Starship Troopers. In contrast, we get different rewards depending on what we kill. My initial conjecture was destroying starships should be a bonus mission. However, we only obtained points for the team. Killing the brain bug confirms it that there are no bonus missions and only rewards.”

Zheng took the paper. It noted the points and rewards from each type of bugs. He said. “That seems like the case.”

He suddenly remembered something and brought out the silver bow, invisible sword, two broken defensive items and some exoskeletons from his ring and dimensional bag. One of the exoskeleton was intact.

Zheng said excitedly. “Even though we didn’t rob them naked but we got some good stuff. These two weapons.” He held up the bow and sword. He put the sword up front so they could notice it.

“Too bad the weapons formed a pact with those two people. Not sure if we can still use them. They are at least rank BB or even higher. There are also two rank BB defensive items. I destroyed them but there’s a possibility of repairing so I brought them back. Oh, and the exoskeleton from the bodyguard bugs are extremely tough. I also brought some back. Xuan, see if we can use any of them.”

Xuan ignored the magical items and took over an exoskeleton. “I only have ten days every time we come back to this dimension. Unless we head into the movies to carry out the research, I don’t have the time to do everything. In comparison, analyzing the components of these exoskeleton is more important. I hope to make an armor with them. The dragonshard will be able to defend against sci-fi weapons and the exoskeleton armor can defend against most magical attacks, like your light blade.”

Zheng put the weapons and defensive items back then turned to Zero and WangXia. “How many points and rewards did you get?”

Zero said. “7000 points and two rank B rewards.”

WangXia smiled. “I got quite a bit more points though still not as much as you. 10000 points, one of each rank C and B reward.”

Zheng still couldn’t accept the fact and murmured. “Each of us obtained different amount of points from killing bugs. Kampa and I probably got the most. But we lost 5000 points from defending the bases. We lost too much on this part.”

Xuan looked up from his files. “That’s good enough. Too many points and rewards can be a burden, just like team South America. Their combat techniques and awareness were extremely poor. They rely on high tier magical weapons and abilities to fight. However, once they meet someone with strong techniques and awareness, or even self-created ability, their weakness will be exposed. So instead of seeking endless rewards and points, we are better making the best use of what we have. Otherwise, the points and rewards will only hold back the strength of the team. Zheng, what are you going to exchange aside from reviving team members?”

“I need a sword technique that can utilize the power of Tiger’s Soul.”

By the time everyone came out from their rooms, the whole team stood under God. Each person obtained different amount of points and ranked rewards. Xuan and Gando got the most. The two people they killed were unlocked members and they killed a lot of bugs. They both got 13000 points and two rank B rewards. Lan got 1000 points less than them. Everyone was going to get a big increase in strength after the movie. They chatted with excitement and smiles. Zheng could even notice a hint of being relaxed from Xuan.

“Ahem. We have great earnings this time.” Zheng said with a laughter. “The points aside, each of us got at least a rank B reward and some even got two. Ranked rewards are what’s valuable. We can revive more comrades this time and enhance ourselves. About the revivals, we need to discuss it.”

Xuan said his decision. “I have decided to revive three people this movie. They are Yinkong, Heng, and ChengXiao. The distribution of points is each of us aside from Zero contribute 4000 points, then Lan, Gando and I will also contribute a rank B reward. Everyone wouldn’t use too many points and still have a rank B reward left. As for Zero’s two rank B rewards, you can enhance yourself and give the remaining to the revived members.”

The others calculated his proposal. Zheng would have 8000 points left and his rewards remained the same amount. That would be enough for a slightly lower tier sword technique. They would also revive three members that main combat and most importantly, a doctor. This was better than he expected.

Zheng nodded. “Then it’s decided. Their strengths are what the team needed most. We will wait until after the next movie to revive HongLu and the other members. Everyone rest a day or two then we will enter The Mummy. After the revives, we will decide on our exchanges. How’s it?”

Kampa laughed. “This is going to be incredible. I don’t even know what weapon to get with a rank B reward. I checked a few sci-fi weapons that require rank B rewards and their powers were almost scary.”

The others laughed along. Zheng said. “As long as it’s powerful. However, you also need to enhance your werewolf bloodline as we go into more difficult movies and team battles.”

Kampa seemed excited as Zheng mentioned the werewolf bloodline. He had doused himself in his imagination and howled. They further discussed and decided it was best to enter The Mummy tomorrow. Everyone would exchange ten days, which were only 500 points. That would give them a buffer if anything happened.

The whole team felt exhausted after Starship Troopers. Several big battles one after another, the battle of wits against the two teams and escaping from the sea of bugs made them feel exhausted once everything was over. They stayed in their rooms that afternoon. Some slept, some played. Kampa grabbed Zero and WangXia to play video games. Lan sang and cook in her room. Xuan analyzed engineering designs. Gando pondered on what to exchange.

Zheng also took a break. He brought Lori to the basement for fishing. The little girl leaned by his side quietly. It was rarely for her to get so quiet and this made her seem cute. Zheng couldn’t help and kissed her multiple times.

The passed in this peaceful atmosphere. The next morning, they all stood on the platform without a word. Nothing dangerous should happen in The Mummy this time so even Gando didn’t exchange his robot before entering.

“But why do you need a rank D reward?” Gando asked before entering.

Zheng scratched his head and said. “Right, I forgot you haven’t entered this world. Don’t you have two rank B rewards? Split up one of them for a rank D reward. It’s just a rank D, not that much.”

Gando replied immediately. “But I am already giving one rank B reward to revive team members. If I use up another rank D reward, I won’t have enough for the new robot after we come back. I have been eyeing the VF-1 Valkyrie for so long. It takes a rank B reward to exchange!”

Zheng exhaled. “Okay then. I have an extra rank D reward. I will just exchange it for you so you can get the new robot.”

Xuan stopped him then looked to Gando. It gave Gando chills all over.

Xuan said calmly. “It isn’t a big deal giving you the rank D reward. The problem is every person can only give one other person points or rewards once. If Zheng give you the rank D reward here, he won’t be able to give you 4000 points later. It’s up to you to decide. Either use up a rank D reward or give 4000 more points. It will only be fair this way or our plan might have to change and doesn’t allow us to revive these three members.”

Gando paused then looked at the others. They nodded quietly. He felt reluctant. 4000 points could give him enough stats to improve his physical prowess to another level. However, the Valkyrie was more agile, more powerful and had more defense. A rank D reward was so valuable at this point. He pondered for a long while then bit his teeth. “I understand. I will revive a member by myself. That robot only needs 5000 points. I have 13000 points. However, the robot’s weapons will need extra points. Zheng, you have to help me get some weapons like Gatling guns and missiles. Okay?”

Zheng nodded without hesitation. “No problem. That’s it then. I will get the weapons for your robot.”

Gando nodded with difficulty. However, he also seemed relieved.

Zheng pulled Lan’s hand then pointed at Xuan. Lan connected them with Soul Link.

Zheng immediately asked. “The contribution to revival doesn’t count in the one-time limit in God’s dimension. Why did you have to lie to him? Wouldn’t that create a gap between him and the team?”

Xuan smiled. “The more you give to something, the more you feel responsible for it. If he doesn’t give anything to the team, he could abandon this team that he invested no effort into. Strength would be his only factor in decisions. He might even betray the team for his life. However, once this team contained a lot of his effort, he would feel reluctant on giving up what he had invested. Get it? Favors are not the only thing to retain people. Responsibility can also do so.”

Zheng felt a lot better. These words showed that Xuan wasn’t out there to get Gando killed. He was helping Gando become a part of the team. This was a good sign. He trusted Xuan’s ability. Gando could be part of the team as long as Xuan was willing.

“Okay! Let’s go and revive our comrades!”

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